Open Enrollment Ends April 18th, 2022 At 11:59pm PT

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Wait! Now that you’ve joined High End Selling Secrets, you’ve unlocked an incredible opportunity to work with me and get massive support. This is a very special one-time offer, so check it out…


Coach Club™ Premium Will Help You Get Better, Faster Results Even If You Don’t Have a Big Audience or a Specific Niche.

Dear Friend,

You made a wise decision to join us for High Profit JV Partnerships™. 

But wouldn’t it be great to have me as your mentor and the support of our community behind your back? 

You’ll have someone to bounce questions off and get help when needed. 

Plus, you’ll discover how to get more 1-on-1 and group coaching clients… 

…in addition to creating online programs that sell like hotcakes and generate automatic income for you. 

Here’s how:

Every month, I do a 1-on-1 group coaching session with a select group of coaches.

It’s a chance for them to get expert guidance, tips and strategies from me without having to invest $100,000 for a VIP coaching day or $80,000-$250,000 for one of my high level masterminds.

This special group is called Coach Club™ Premium and it’s currently closed for new members.

But… since you’ve invested in High Profit JV Partnerships™, I’m opening the doors for just a limited time because I want to make sure you get all the support you need to succeed.

Here’s just some of what you’ll get…

  • An open forum to communicate with me, ask me your toughest questions and get direct answers
  • My eyes on your business so I can help you get and stay on the right path
  • An exclusive, inside look at how to take a business from zero to the $10K, $100K, and all the way up to the multi-million dollar level
  • And a whole lot more…
  • Not only that, I’ll help you let go of any fears, doubts and insecurities and amp up your confidence and more.

This way, you can make the income and impact you want and achieve your fullest potential as a coach.

Dear Friend

Do you struggle to find new leads or get new clients?

Do you want to build a passionate audience that loves what you have to offer?

Do you have the feeling people don’t fully understand your value?

Could you use help defining a profitable niche or creating a clear vision for your coaching business?

Do you want to call the shots when it comes to how you work, when you work, and who you work with?

And, would having a guide with proven success help you succeed?

Then I Can Help You…

Here’s why…

Before training thousands of people around the world to create and grow a highly profitable business…

Before I made the Inc. 5000 List as one of the fastest growing businesses in America four years in a row…

And before I was able to build a life of true freedom, I started out with…

No track record.

No clients.

No special connections.

And no audience.

If you can relate to any of that, I know exactly where you’re coming from because I’ve been there too…

 I Worked A Regular Day Job 
 To Make Ends Meet  

I honestly didn’t plan to stay there long-term … but it felt like a lifetime.

And I was miserable. Not only at that job, but in so many areas of my life.

I just wasn’t sure whether the whole entrepreneurial thing was going to work out for me.

I thought to myself…

“Will I ever be able to have the kind of success I really want?”

“Will I ever make enough money from my business to walk away from this boring job?”

“Will I ever be able to show my family and friends that I made the right decision by starting my own business?”

Hiring My First Coach
Changed  Everything… 

Hiring my first coach helped me quit that job I hated…

And it helped me get the confidence to find love, start a family, and build a coaching empire that today supports my family, my dreams, and impacts people from around the globe.

I’m a huge believer in the power of coaching because of what it’s clearly done for me and what I know it can do for you too.

One commonality I see among all the successful people I know and all my students who have created successful coaching businesses with my help is that they prioritize getting the right support.

So I’d love to work with you, coach you and support you, so you can achieve your biggest goals and dreams faster and easier than you ever imagined.

Here’s How I’ll Help You Get The Clients You Want, And Create
A Highly Profitable Business

I’ve been coaching for 20+ years and grew my coaching business to the multi-million dollar level.

Throughout this time I’ve created proven systems for getting clients, growing businesses, and charging massive coaching fees that clients happily pay.

Moreover, my system works for all kinds of coaches and in just about any niche you can think of.

And you know what?

My systems are simple.

I've taught thousands of students how to start and grow highly successful businesses.

Here is just one example…

And it doesn’t matter whether you’re brand new or want to 10X the business you already have.

Of course, I want to share my tools, strategies, and insider secrets with as many people as possible, including YOU…

The reality, however, is that it’s impossible to do that through 1-on-1 coaching with everybody.

But I don’t want that to stop you from getting the support you need as well as my best secrets for getting clients and creating a highly profitable business quickly.

So I created something special that gives you…

Introducing COACH CLUB™ Premium

A Monthly Group Coaching Program
That’ll Help You Grow Your Business
With On-Going Coaching and Live Support

With Coach Club™ Premium, my team and I help you grow your income, increase your  impact, develop better strategies, and maximize your results based on our simple frameworks and nurturing community.

Every month, you will receive:


Coach Club™ Premium Comes With A Number Of Member Benefits You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

Membership Benefit #1:

Monthly “Coaching With Christian” LIVE Sessions

An open forum to communicate with me, ask your toughest questions, and get direct answers.

Value: $5,000.00

Membership Benefit #2:

Monthly Mindset And Inner Game Sessions

Discover, identify, heal, and release the biggest challenges holding you back and create unstoppable confidence.

Value: $1,000.00

Membership Benefit #3:

Bonus Trainings From Our Online Product Catalog

Get access to one new training each month that’ll help you elevate your coaching business.

Value: $2,000.00

Membership Benefit #4:

Coach Club Facebook Group

Value: Priceless

Membership Benefit #5:

Monthly Office Hours With My Amazing Team That I’ve Personally Trained

During these special office hour sessions, you’ll…

Value: $5,000.00

Membership Benefit #5:

"Endless Clients" Training Session

Discover the most important aspects of a coaching business including how to get clients and define and/or fine-tune your niche.

Value: $1,000.00

Membership Benefit #6:

Ultimate Client Attraction Plan

Discover 8 ways to market your business right now so clients are lining up around the block to work with you.

Value: $1,000.00

Total Value: $10,000.00

My VIP Mastermind Clients Pay Over $80,000 To Access The Kind Of Training And Support You Get Inside Coach Club Premium, But You Won’t Have To Pay Anything Close To That

I totally understand that expert coaching support on this level can get extremely expensive.

But I don’t want anything to get in the way of you getting my support and the tools you need to create and grow a profitable business that supports you, your loved ones, and your clients.

When you join today, you'll get world class coaching for just $99/month .

At that price, and for what this kind of support will do for your life, Coach Club™ Premium is a no-brainer.

New Coach Or Seasoned Coach?

If you’re new to coaching, this is a great place to start your path. And if you already have a business, get ready to take your business to a whole new level!



$299 $99


  • Monthly “Coaching With Christian” LIVE Sessions
    (Value: $5,000.00)
  • Monthly Mindset And Inner Game Sessions
    (Value: $1,000.00)
  • Monthly Trainings From Our Online Product Catalog
    (Value: $2,000.00)
  • Coach Club Facebook Group
    (Value: Priceless)
  • Ultimate Client Attraction Plan
    (Value $1,000.00)
  • “Endless Clients” Training Session
    (Value $1,000.00)

Total Value: $10,000.00


Here’s What People Say About
Coach Club™ Premium

This Program Has Changed People’s Lives. But Don’t Take My Word For It!

“Samantha Gets Her First Client”

Samantha used my methods to get her first paying client … and not only that, her client has already become a raving fan. I’m so happy for her and can’t wait to hear about all the new clients she gets!

“Susan Gets a Client With Just 5 followers on Facebook”

Susan used one of my copy and paste client-getting templates on social media and got a client by just sending one message — and on the very first try.

Susan and Samantha are brand new at coaching and were both able to get paying clients very quickly using my tools and secrets.

Here’s  What Top Earners 
In The Coaching Space Have To Say

“My business had plateaued for years until I met Christian. The mindset and strategies I learned from him allowed me to double my income the following year. Then I doubled it again. I kept learning from Christian … he single-handedly helped me solve one of my biggest roadblocks in attracting clients into my programs. Game changer! His mindset coaching for attracting clients is second to none in the industry!”

– Jeanna Gabellini –

“I’ve learned a ton from Christian Mickelsen over the years. He’s a sales, marketing, and business genius with a gigantic heart. I give him and his programs my highest recommendation. You should jump at the chance to work with him.”

– Lisa Sasevich –

“Christian is a brilliant teacher, entrepreneur and marketer. I recommend his trainings to friends and associates on a regular basis. If you are a coach, teacher, speaker, or information product guru, I highly recommend that you get trained by him!”

– Eben Pagan –

“I knew I had something to share with the world, and I knew that coaching was a great way to go, but I had no idea how to do it. There was so much fear: “Am I going to get on these calls and no one is going to want what I have to offer?” I had a lot of resistance. I even did calls that I poured my heart and soul into and people would say, “That’s amazing” and just hang up.

By grace, I stumbled upon Christian’s work, and suddenly I saw a map, a blueprint. It was a simple, step by step way to have the call with these few distinctions. It took a matter of 30-45 days to get to a six-figure coaching business. It all started with how to have a conversation that inspires, engages, and enrolls someone. Christian has changed my life.”

– Derek Rydall –

Why Should You Join Coach Club™ Premium
Right Now?

Coach Club™ Premium is an exclusive membership that gives you access to insider secrets and an amazing community of heart-centered, like-minded changemakers.

You have the chance to change the game for yourself, your business, and all the people you care about.

So I’d love to work with you, coach you and support you on your journey to success.

Pick your plan and join us inside Coach Club™ Premium today.

Here’s What Life Looks Like After Joining Coach Club™ Premium

Gold Seal Guarantee

We absolutely guarantee you’re going to LOVE this program, and if you don’t, you can cancel at any time. We make it super-easy and hassle-free to cancel. There will be no refund of any fees paid, but you will not have to continue paying for any additional months.

Also note: Should you cancel, you will lose access to all the programs that come with Coach Club™ Premium.


You want to join but you still have some questions. We understand! Keep reading so that you get the answers you need.

Of course! This membership is designed to hold your hand and guide you through every phase of your coaching business, no matter where you are starting from. That answers my question. I'm ready to join!
Totally! You have a lot of resources available 24/7 and if you are unable to attend the live calls, you'll have the recordings. That answers my question. I'm ready to join!
Once you sign up, you'll have immediate access to your login info and you will have all the resources available so that you can decide what you want to start with. That answers my question. I'm ready to hop in!
Once you join and as long as you decide to keep your membership, you will have access. That answers my question. Give me access, please!
Because we have a special connection with our members, we only open the doors periodically. Think about it: you really wanna wait 'til some unforeseen time in the future to unlock the secrets of a thriving coaching business? This totally answers my question. Give me the keys to succeed!

Coach Club™ Premium is designed to fit into busy schedules. With monthly live sessions and office hours, you can choose to engage at your own pace. Plus, all sessions are recorded, so you can catch up whenever it’s convenient.

Our dedicated Facebook group is a great place to ask questions, share insights, and connect with fellow members. Additionally, our team is always available during monthly office hours to address any concerns.

The current pricing and benefits are exclusive to this one-time offer. While we may open enrollment in the future, we cannot guarantee the same terms. That’s why we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity now.

Coach Club™ Premium

Just choose the plan that works best for you…


$299 $99


  • Monthly “Coaching With Christian” LIVE Sessions
    (Value: $5,000.00)
  • Monthly Mindset And Inner Game Sessions
    (Value: $1,000.00)
  • Monthly Trainings From Our Online Product Catalog
    (Value: $2,000.00)
  • Coach Club Facebook Group
    (Value: Priceless)
  • Ultimate Client Attraction Plan
    (Value $1,000.00)
  • “Endless Clients” Training Session
    (Value $1,000.00)

Total Value: $10,000.00



Transform your business in every aspect for less than 3 dollars a day

About Christian Mickelsen: Christian is a leading authority on personal development and coaching and the author of 5 bestselling books, including ABUNDANCE UNLEASHED and GET CLIENTS TODAY.

He’s the founder and president of a multi-million dollar coaching business that’s made Inc. Magazine's “5000 Fastest Growing Companies In America” award 4 years in a row.

A personal coach for 22 years, he’s helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide experience the life-changing power of coaching, and he is on a mission to get the whole world coached.

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