We've changed the name of the event from “Live Limitless” to:
“Heal Your Money $h*t Now:
The Hidden Secret To Rapid Riches”
December 14 – 16th, 2022.
You get to attend virtually because you already have a ticket. If you want to attend in person, simply pay the $99 seat saver to let us know you're coming. When you show up, I'll pay you $100.
I can't wait to see you there!
To read more about the event, continue below.
Come to “Heal Your Money $h*t Now” And Get Rid Of The Hidden Money Blocks That Are Secretly Holding You Back From Charging What You’re Worth And Attracting More Money Into Your Life
This Event Will Make You More Financially Confident So You Can Make All The Money You Want And Impact The World With Your Coaching In A BIG Way!
Dear Friend,
I want you to sit back, take a minute from your busy day, and think about what thoughts come up for you when you imagine yourself:
Does that feel a little unrealistic? Or even a little scary?
Or maybe you’re thinking to yourself, “Nobody’s going to pay me those crazy fees for my coaching!”
Maybe you’re used to making a certain amount per month because it’s comfortable…
…and you simply cannot imagine making more than you make now.
You could even have certain “wealth wounds” from your past that you haven’t healed yet.
For example, maybe you grew up poor.
Or your parents told you things like, “Money doesn’t grow on trees” when you wanted a toy.
So if you felt a little resistance, self-doubt, or queasiness when reading through those three sentences, then … trust me:
It’s Not Your Fault!
Most people have negative beliefs and other “wealth blocks” about money.
Most of these blocks come from what they learned from their parents, society, and the media.
If you watch a lot of television shows, movies, and even commercials, wealthy people are often depicted as greedy and deceitful.
And many churches and religions teach that “money is the root of evil” and only poor people can get into Heaven.
Plus if you had parents who were poor or worked regular jobs, you may have grown up always being tight on money.
In other words, most people have had negative experiences, or have negative beliefs and blocks about money.
Heck, you may even have subconscious blocks you don’t even know that are holding you back from making more money in your coaching business.
Or you may even feel guilty about charging any fees for your coaching … much less ultra-high fees to clients who will gladly pay them.
So if you have money blocks that are holding you back from charging what you are worth, it’s not your fault.
Because here’s the truth…
Most of these blocks were instilled in your
subconscious mind … without you knowing!
That’s because negative attitudes and beliefs about money are rampant in our culture.
It’s stuff your parents may have picked up on, and accidentally instilled in you.
Or it may have been a bad experience you had with money as an adult…
…from bankruptcy to a massive financial crisis that instilled negative beliefs and attitudes about money.
In other words, your collective experience about money (mostly when you were a child) helps formulate your beliefs and attitudes about money.
Trust me, I had my own money blocks too, especially since…
I Grew Up On Welfare And Had To Wear Second
(And Third) Hand Clothes From My Brothers
Like most people, I didn’t grow up in a family that was rich and wealthy.
My parents fought all the time and my Mom had to work a waitress job to support us 4 kids after they divorced.
She had to set us up on welfare programs — free lunches at school, food stamps, and food from a food bank.
So my feelings about money at that time were that it caused endless fighting…
…which caused slammed doors and dishes flung across the room.
All this lack of money started to affect my sense of self-worth.
I felt ashamed to be poor, especially when I had to stand in the “poor” kid’s lunch line at school.
Fast forward many years later, and I was able to heal those old wealth wounds.
I’m one of the world’s highest-paid coaches.
And I run a seven-figure coaching business that impacts people everywhere.
And the bottom line is this…
Otherwise, it’ll be like taking one step forward and two steps back with your money, business, and finance.
You may get a big client and feel like you got “lucky” they paid you a big fee…
…so you don’t try to get more people to sign up at those fees.
Or you had a bad experience with asking for a high fee with a client and they balked.
This, in turn, made you afraid to ask for big fees again and caused you to hit a plateau in your business.
You may even have a fear of losing money, so you don’t get to enjoy the things money can give you.
Either that or you are reckless with money and don’t get to save it.
We all have insecurities, fears, worries, challenges, and doubts in our lives … especially about money.
So, if you want more money, I’ll show you how to get it and keep it when you attend…
December 14th-16th, 2022
San Diego, CA
Nope, this event is not going to be about the latest tips on how to get clients.
Nor is it how to ask for the big fees with your coaching, or learning the newest investment techniques.
It’s natural to want actionable ideas and “quick wins” that we can logically equate to extra clients, more impact in the world…
…and, of course, extra cash in our bank accounts.
We’re going to help you with something much more important than that at Heal Your Money $h*t Now.
Yep, I get it.
All that “mindset stuff” seems like a lot of hard work and no immediate reward, right?
But unpacking your money blocks and examining why you are the way you are with money, will make you more confident and in control of your coaching business…
…and your financial future.
This isn’t something that can be “cured” by watching a couple of YouTube videos or a string of TikTok videos.
You need an immersive LIVE experience to help you root out those money blocks and replace them with empowering beliefs about money.
For example, one of the techniques I’m going to use is to deploy my Instant Miracle™ techniques to help heal and release those money blocks.
It’s an exercise I usually reserve for my Instant Miracle Mastery students who pay $2,000 for me to work with them LIVE…
…but I’ll use them LIVE at Heal Your Money $h*t Now.
Here’s How Coming To Heal Your Money $h*t
Is Going To Help You:
Remove worries about spending too much money or losing money. This is a big fear when it comes to investing money in your business and fearing you’re not going to get a return on your investment. I’ll help you get over these in no time.
You’re just starting out as a coach. You’ll discover how to get your money mindset right so you can ask for big fees and reach financial success quickly.
You’ve been coaching for a while. I’ll help you get over those blocks and barriers that are holding you back when it comes to asking for higher fees.
You’re an expert coach. You’ll discover the money mindset beliefs I use to ask for fees as high as $100K to $250K with confidence so you can follow my footsteps.
Join Us For This Live Virtual Event
This is a non-refundable $99 seat saver fee.
Instead of getting a refund, when you show up to the event, we're going to give you $100. So you're getting paid to attend!
December 14th-16th, 2022
I Guarantee Your Life Will Never Be The Same Again!
Look, I don’t know where you are when it comes to finances and money.
But I guarantee I’ll help you heal and release those money blocks so that money and abundance flow to you.
You’ll feel confident when making highend offers and you’ll be able to experience more financial success.
In other words, you’ll never feel jealous or envious of anyone who's making more money than you ever again.
What I’ve learned over 20+ years as a professional coach is this:
Nobody’s better than you and nobody deserves more than you.
And you can manifest what you desire if you focus on that desire, believe you can have it, and are hungry for it … without being needy for it.
And part of it has to do with eliminating those money blocks that are holding you back from helping you reach your potential.
I truly hope you decide to attend this exciting event, as it’s the first time I’m holding it.
And, to be honest, I may never hold it again.
So don’t wait until “next year” or “next time” because there may never be another.
Stamp your virtual ticket right now, while it’s still fresh on your mind.
With all the love in my heart,
ps. We all have our pasts with money. And most people have beliefs and attitudes about money that sabotage them from reaching their potential.
My goal at Heal Your Money $h*t Now is to take the restrictor plates off your earning potential so you can make a difference in the world, and make good money doing it.
So register today, right now, and let’s head into a life of abundance!
December 14th-16th, 2022
© 2022. Christian Mickelsen. All rights reserved. Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.
Future Force, Miami, Florida 33130 USA