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Exclusive Follow-Up, Meditation, And Healing Session For “Heal Your Money $h*t Now” Attendees

When: Tuesday, September 10
Time: 10AM PT | 1PM ET | 6PM London
3AM Sydney (AEDT) (one day ahead)

During this session, you will:

  • Discover hidden factors that could be holding you back from getting all of the money and clients you want​
  • Take the “Wealth Abundance Assessment” to find out how abundant or scarcity-ridden you are​
  • Uncover any invisible childhood traumas and programing that could be crimping the flow of money from coming into your life​
  • Find out the #1 master key to becoming rich and prosperous​
  • My personal money journey and how I went from welfare to multi-millionaire​
  • Discover how to dissolve fears such as raising your coaching fees, getting high paying clients to say, “yes” right on the spot, or simply talking about money

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Future Force, Chicago, IL 60611 USA

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