
You’re About To Discover The Closely Guarded Secrets I’ve Used To Come From Out of Nowhere To Add 200,000 People To My Email List, Make Millions of Dollars, Become One of the Top Players in My Industry, And Get ALL of the BIG Gurus In My Market To Promote Me — Time And Time Again, And How You Can Do It Too…

…Even If You Think You’re A “Nobody” Or If You’re Just Starting From Scratch…

Dear Friend,

The slowest way to grow your business is to do it alone. The fastest way to grow your business is with help.

There are 3 kinds of help that you can use to grow your business.

The first kind of help is “employees.” They’re great to have because they can actually help. 

As a result, things get done in your business (especially stuff we’re not so good at).

They are very valuable, but they usually don’t cost a tremendous amount. Maybe $12-$45/hour. 

Still, if your business isn’t making a lot of money yet, hiring someone is a tough pill to swallow.

The second kind of help is getting advice, training, or coaching from someone who can help shorten the learning curve. 

The right advice can mean the difference between boom and bust. This is one of the smartest, most lucrative investments you can ever make.

Even now, after having made millions of dollars, when I look at all of my money and try to figure out the best ways to re-invest it to make the biggest returns…

…I can’t find anything that pays higher dividends than training and coaching programs. 

I’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my business and plan to continue to do so.

As great as this is, it’s nothing compared to…

The “Miracle” 3rd Type Of Help For Your Business…

The 3rd type of help you can get for your business is miraculous, it doesn’t cost you any money…

…yet it can make you more money than employees, coaching, or training combined.

You’ve probably guessed by now.  This 3rd kind is getting help from joint venture or JV partners. 

A JV partner is someone who has a business with the same kinds of customers you have.

A JV partner is someone that will promote you to their customers and clients to help you rapidly grow your prospect list and sell your products and services for you.

Imagine what would happen with 10, 20, or 30 JV Partners!


“One Of My Top JV Partners… “

“Christian is always one of my top JV partners. He knows how to throw everything plus the kitchen sink at a promotion to help me grow my list and make more sales.”
Lisa Sasevich

“Christian Is A Role Model JV Partner…“

“Christian is a role model JV partner and has introduced me to lots of other fantastic JV partners who promoted and sold my ‘Guaranteed Press Release’ service to their customers for me - growing my email list, getting me new clients, and boosting my income. - Thanks a million, Christian.”
Dan Janal

“I Sold Out The Entire Print Run Of My New Book In One Week…“

“I just sold out the entire first-print run of my new book in week because I had a couple of great JV Partners promoting me, I was floored. I never imagined this much success this fast! I’m so excited. I learned a ton about working with JV partners from Christian, and it has totally paid off. Thanks, Christian.”
Jen Yost

“Christian Is One Of The Best JV Partners Around… “

“Christian is one of the best JV partners around! We’ve been top Partners for each other on launches and one of the reasons I’m so motivated to promote him is because he knows how to create an amazing relationship with his JV partners and have them be EXCITED to promote For him. I can’t think of anyone better to learn from if you’re a coach and you want to learn how to use JV’s to grow your business quickly”
Sharla Jacobs, CEO
RejuvenateYourPractice.com & TheInvisibleClose.com

“Doubled My Email List…“

“I practically begged Christian to create this program on JV partnerships because he’s teaching the deepest, most cutting edge stuff I’ve ever seen on the subject. I’ve learned a ton from Christian on JV’s, he’s helped me work on some ‘inner stuff’ that was holding me back, I’ve found creative, new ways to work with partners and as a result I’ve nearly doubled my email list, helping me have my best year ever”
Kendall SummerHawk

“How I Got 20 Coaching Clients In 1 Month With 1 JV Partner… “

“I took Christian’s advice and training on how to get JV’s to promote me and my coaching offers, and literally with ONE JV partner sending ONE email out, I got a rush of 80 people wanting to do intro coaching sessions with me, and 20 new clients emerged within my first month. Over the next 6 months, I grew my email list from zero to 3,500 subscribers, using another one of Christian’s ‘mind-blowing’ techniques. Now, I have total security and I know I’ll never need to get a ‘job’, and I’m pretty much set for a great life, working from home a few hours a week as a coach.”
Mamoon Yusef

“A Quick $8,000…“

“I think that I have been holding myself back from being a million dollar business owner because of a few uncomfortable and not-so-stellar I have experience with promotional partners. Christian helped me get over my resistance to partnering with other industry leaders with what I think is a pretty revolutionary approach to High Profit JV Partnerships™. My wins so far include a quick $8,000 by promoting ‘A-list’ experts in just 2 months. And I’m just talking about that I promoted them. That’s how I made that money. Now of course, they are turning around and promoting my signature program, Champion Your Ideal Coaching Market. And I’m having so much fun with these collegial friendships, with other conscious entrepreneurs who are at my level, it’s such a pleasure. Christian really showed me how these ‘A-List’ experts collaborate with integrity for big payoffs, and now I know how to seek out those trusted individuals who are offering programs that coaches on my list are hungry for. So I’m having a great time at this. This is what I was missing to become a million dollar business owner and so I’m really grateful to Christian.”
Rhonda Hess

Costly Mistakes Most People Make With JV Partner Relationships…

Watch Out For These Games JVs Play…

I wish I could tell you that it’s all sunshine and roses in the world of working with JV Partners, but it’s not.

You’ll encounter people that…

There are a lot of things to watch out for, and in my program, I’ll show you how to avoid the pitfalls and keep bad things from happening in the first place.

And also keep you from making these same mistakes yourself.


When it comes to getting JV Partners to promote you, there are many things TO DO correctly. But then there are also things that you should NEVER do.

When you first approach a partner, you do NOT have to be a big-name guru yourself or even have a HUGE list.

It’s all a matter of HOW you get in touch with them. And there’s one thing you can do that will…

I’ll make sure you don’t do “THIS” in my program.

In fact, it’s so important I’ve included it in the welcome video you’ll get immediately when you join.

This is a mistake I’ve made myself several times and I’ve SO regretted it.

I didn’t even realize I was making it at the time.

I made it with 3 HUGE Gurus back in the day, and to this day, I still have not been able to get them to partner with me 🙁.

The good news is I’m going to reveal everything I’ve learned over 20+ years in the business and millions of dollars worth of sales driven by JVs.

You’re invited to a brand-new virtual event called:

October 17-19, 2024

How To Get Big Name Gurus To Promote You & Sell Your Programs For You To Their Customers

Register Now For $2,000

In this virtual event, you will discover…

Module 1: TARGET — How to Identify the Best JV Partners For You…

Module 2: COUNT DOWN TO IGNITION — Get Yourself Ready to Be Promoted…

Module 3: LIFT OFF — How to Approach JV Partners the “Right Way…”

Module 4: LEAVING THE ATMOSPHERE — How to Win Over JV Partners & Get Them Promoting You

Module 5: TO THE MOON — How to Structure “JV Partnerships” to Succeed…

Bonus Module 6: TO THE STARS — Rock Star JV Secrets

What Does This Program Cost?


Let me explain…

I’ve spent 20 years developing these techniques and strategies.

And I’ve spent several hundred thousand dollars learning the sales, marketing, persuasion skills, and personal growth techniques that I’ve poured into this program.


You’re going to get the “ULTIMATE SHORT CUT” — the training and coaching YOU NEED to attract the big-name JV Partners that can help you grow your list, sell your products, and make you famous.

Just 1 JV partner can “make” your business.

10 can make you a fortune.

20 can make you set for life.

And this program is the key to the castle.

The investment in the program is just $2,000.00, but it’s not a “cost”.

It’s a high-return investment in a coaching and training program that can get you the best kind of help there is: JV partners…

…people that will promote you and sell your programs to their clients and customers.

These relationships are priceless!

You're Backed By My
100% Solid Gold Guarantee!

Even though I’m practically giving away tickets, you’re still backed by my solid gold money-back guarantee.

Attend the entire first day, and if you don’t think this is one of the best ways to invest your time and money right now, simply let us know at the end of day 1 for a full and complete refund.

Without This Training You Might…

October 17-19, 2024

How To Get Big Name Gurus To Promote You & Sell Your Programs For You To Their Customers

Register Now For $2,000

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