July 13-15th, 2023

Congrats, You’re Officially Registered!

You’ve officially taken a big step toward becoming a Certified AI Business Coach!

I’m really excited for you because AI is going to be huge over the next 6-12 months and you’ll get first mover’s advantage by attending this virtual event. 


I plan on bringing my A-game at this event so you can leave ready to help business owners implement AI into their businesses…


…and get paid big money for doing so. 


Certified AI Business Coach is going to help you: 


  • Get in on the AI gold rush and become a go-to business coach in this new era
  • Get clients to hire you right away because not many businesses know how to implement AI
  • Develop rock-solid confidence in your ability to elevate clients' businesses with AI
  • Command ultra high fees and attract high paying clients who seek your specialized expertise
  • Rapidly scale your clients' business and your own using AI


The event is going to take place July 13-15th 2023, and you’ll get all kinds of updates via email right up to the event. 


So make sure you pay attention to your email and I’ll “see” you at the event!


With all the love in my heart,

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